To make your offering online, scan the QR code and create your account.
Bethesda Choir
Choir will meet at 9:30 am in the choir room for practice. Join us as we praise God through song!
Our Sunday morning tech team could use a few more volunteers! Please let Mika know if you are open to learning how to run the sound and powerpoint, or if you are interested in learning our livestream process. I bet it’s easier than you think
We’ll be offering a Membership Sunday opportunity in the new year. If you haven’t officially joined our congregation yet but are interested, please let with Pastor Nancee or Mika know.
Get involved; Volunteer opportunities are always available at BUMC! On Sunday mornings, there’s always an opportunity to serve with our Audio Visual Team, assist with serving Communion, use your smile as a greeter, donate our altar flowers, sing in the choir, or play with our youngest friends in the Nursery or Sunday school. If you’re short on time, commit to volunteering once a month with our team at Our Daily Bread & The HOPP Pack & Pray and Food Distribution. Please contact Mika if you have questions. Experience is not needed and training is availabl
Our Little Library on our sidewalk is always accepting non-perishable donations of food- just place your donation directly into the Little Library and know that our neighbors are grateful!
If you would like to donate altar flowers in honor of or in memory of someone on a Sunday morning, or just to honor God, please let Mika know. Flowers are $50, and we just need to know the date that you would like to give them, if there is a specific flower you would like, and what you are giving them for – Mika will handle everything else for you. If you do not take the flowers after worship they will either be used again or taken to one of our shut-ins so they can enjoy them.